Give Yourself a Little Lift with Cosmetic Surgery in Naperville, IL

by | Jul 25, 2023 | Health

As you age, gravity acts on the body and pulls everything toward the ground. There’s no part of the human body that doesn’t lose some elasticity and slump. That said, you may want a lift or two in various parts of your body. Cosmetic surgery in Naperville, IL, can help.

The Torso Lift

One of the most requested and extensive lift procedures, the torso lift takes your entire middle and pulls everything upward several inches. The excess skin is removed. There’s usually a scar around the chest and back, but that’s easily covered by most clothing. The result is a much younger, leaner-looking body.

The Breast Lift

Breasts droop, and there’s no getting around it. Even if you never nurse and never are pregnant, breasts will droop. For men with lower muscle tone, droop happens too. The good news is that under the knife of cosmetic surgery from Naperville surgeons, you can lift the underlying muscles and then lift the soft tissues in the process.

The Facelift

The neck with the torso lift is the facelift. The facelift used to be the most requested surgery, but other cosmetic lifts have given the facelift a run for the money.

When opting to have everything lifted, the surgeon is likely to work on your face first, followed by the other lifts, although not all surgeries may be combined. If you would like to know how each of these types of cosmetic lifts can change your appearance, consult with the Center for Cosmetic and Laser Surgery today.

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