Three Ways to Get Your Furnace Ready for the Summer in Toledo OH

by | Mar 27, 2020 | Heating and Air Conditioning

Making sure your furnace is optimized at all times to heat your home goes a long way towards keeping your home comfortable and your energy bills as low as possible. You spend time each winter getting your furnace ready to heat your home but are you taking the right steps in the summer? Don’t make the mistake of simply shutting off the furnace at the end of the winter. Take these steps to prevent unwanted visits from a residential or commercial heating service in Toledo, OH.

Clean Air Filters

Many people make the mistake of only cleaning out their air filters during the winter. Dust gathers in these vents whether the furnace is in use or not which is why you should clean your filters regularly during the summer too. If you aren’t sure how to clean the air filters on your property, a residential or commercial heating service in Toledo, OH, will be able to do it for you.

Install a Carbon Monoxide Detector

Furnaces can leak when they aren’t in use too if the leak is bad enough. Installing a carbon monoxide detector near the furnace will help you detect leaks even when you least suspect them. On top of detecting a leak in your furnace line somewhere, this measure could help you save a life.

Have It Inspected and Cleaned by a Professional

A professional HVAC technician understands how to properly clean and inspect all of the wiring, hoses, and ducts associated with your furnace. Hire one to inspect your furnace at the end of each winter to ensure it will be in good condition when the frigid winter months roll around. Contact Business Name, if you need help getting your furnace working as efficiently as possible.

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