In California, motorcycle accidents have a higher probability of ending in tragedy. The circumstances of the accidents determine how the victim proceeds with their case. A motorcycle accident lawyer in Canoga Park assists victims of the accidents.
Are Motorcycle Riders Required to Wear Helmets?
Yes, California state laws require all motorcycle riders to wear a helmet at all times. The law doesn’t discriminate according to the age of the rider. All parties regardless of age must wear a helmet when riding the motorcycle. If the rider isn’t wearing a helmet in an accident, he or she faces a comparative fault ruling based on the moving violation.
Does Lane Splitting Constitute Comparative Fault?
No, lane splitting in the state of California is completely legal. Motorcycle riders are allowed to move about the lanes as long as they are traveling in the same direction as the traffic. However, if the rider is guilty of speeding or other moving violations, a comparative fault could apply in their case.
Are Motorcycle Owners Required to Have Insurance?
Yes, all motorcycle owners are required by state laws to fulfill the standard mandate for liability coverage. The motorcycle insurance policy must provide $15,000 for the first victim with a maximum of $30,000 for the accident if multiple victims were involved. The property damage coverage must equate to at least $5,000.
What is the Statute of Limitations for Motorcycle Accident Claims?
The statute of limitations for motorcycle accident claims is three years. If the victim doesn’t file before the third anniversary of their accident, the victim forfeits their rights to seek compensation. However, if the victim suffers a traumatic brain injury and the injuries are discovered later, it is possible for them to file a lawsuit based on delayed discovery.
In California, several laws apply to motorcycle riders and must be followed at all times. Comparative fault rulings are used when riders committed a moving violation during their accident. The state of California requires all motorcycle accident victims to file a lawsuit before the third anniversary of their accident. Victims who need assistance contact a motorcycle accident lawyer in Canoga Park or click here for more details now.