When Should You See A Specialist In Dermatology in Fairfax County, VA?

by | Sep 13, 2019 | Uncategorized

A medical professional who specializes in Dermatology in Fairfax County VA can help people with their skincare needs. A person who has a problem with their skin might visit their regular doctor before being referred to a dermatologist. Understand that some skin conditions are easier to diagnose and treat than others.


A rash is something that might cause a person to visit a doctor. While most rashes aren’t serious threats, some do require medical treatment and can be signs of other problems. A severe rash can cause discomfort and permanent damage to the skin. A rash might be caused by an allergic reaction, insect bite, or an illness. Anyone who has a rash that doesn’t seem to want to go away should contact the Tamjidi Skin Institute for help.

Skin Cancer

A specialist in Dermatology in Fairfax County VA can also diagnose skin cancer. Anyone who spends a lot of time in the sun should use skin protection to help guard against skin cancer. The sun’s UV rays are known to be a cause of skin if a person is exposed to too much of it. If a patient has a mole that is changing, their doctor might order a biopsy to make sure that it isn’t cancerous. A person should visit a dermatologist if they notice any changes with a mole.


People who are interested in anti-aging treatments can visit dermatologists for help. A dermatologist can use certain procedures to help stop or even reverse the effects of aging. Botox is one such treatment that people use to help reduce wrinkles. If a person wishes to get skin resurfacing done, they should contact their dermatologist for a consultation. A dermatologist can go over all of the anti-aging procedures that they offer and let their patients know which options might be best for them.

A dermatologist can help with everything from acne to skin cancer. A person can make an appointment with a dermatologist themselves or they can wait until their doctor refers them. Anyone who sunbathes regularly should visit a dermatologist at least once a year to check for signs of skin cancer.

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