How Hair Transplants can Help CT Residents

by | Jan 31, 2020 | Uncategorized

Losing your hair? If so, you’re not alone. Doctors estimate that up to 80% of men will experience some level of hair loss by age 80. Thankfully, hair loss is not something we have to simply “accept” or learn to live with. Today, we can treat the hair loss with hair transplant surgery. Here is why hair loss sufferers may want to consider a hair transplant in CT.

One Time Cost

Instead of shelling out money for products that may not even work, a hair transplant is a one-time procedure. It may seem like a big investment up-front, but it is actually more cost effective when you factor in the money you WON’T be spending on vitamins, pills, lotions, and topical creams. Bonus: you can clear out your bathroom cabinet.


When you see an expert for a hair transplant, you will learn all about the latest techniques, what it entails, and your recovery time well before the procedure begins. When executed correctly, hair transplants will give you permanent results. Whether you need coverage in bald spots or along your hairline, experienced doctors can help you get the look you want.

Low Maintenance

If you’re losing your hair, chances are you’re very careful with it. Routine cuts, hair loss products, and a healthy fear of combs and brushes could be just another component of your daily life. If you receive a hair transplant, you don’t need to worry about fancy shampoos or other methods of maintenance. Hair transplants grow like real hair because they are real hair.

Not every hair transplant in CT is the same. Consult with proven doctors to get the best results. Start your research by speaking with an expert doctor at Feller & Bloxham Medical. Visit our website at to get in touch.

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